(after many days of smoke filled red skies, no stars, no moon, no sun, no sky)
The first blue sky dotted cloud half-moon evening in a week or more…
The wind upon my face - had me snuggling up to it
I basked in the glory of a regular evening’s atmosphere
And walk
Utterly beyond grateful
Falling in love all over again with my neighborhood
In front of me, purple sky that looks like loose sand in the sky above mount Tam
and the glorious dusk-filled bay
Jaw drops
Heart pulses and quickens
At my good fortune
Of the scene unfolding in front of mine eyes
So lucky am I
In this moment
I look to my left
Up just a little above the horizon
a half moon with almost dark blue sky dusk behind it
Its light so very white -RADIATING- and bright in this moment
This particular time of day/night
Warming my heart to no end
With utter delight at my good fortune
Inhaling again
Over and over and over again
With extreme gratitude
The sight unfolding in front of me
And all around me
This is where I want to be
This is where I want to be
This is exactly what I want to be doing
My mantra
Warming me
Clear sky
Smoke less
Glorious sky colour of dusk and radiant half moon and slight breeze and clearer skies
The act of walking
Taking a walk
So much inner peace
So much overflowing gratitude
Over and over again
Smiling inside out
Get down on your knees gratitude
Turn the corner and to the east dotted clouds
kind of big ones, with splatters of the softest red splotches here and there so very randomly and only in a few places and on the tops of some of the clouds, a bright white tip
…so amazing!!! What is causing that?!?!
Turn the last corner
down the hill still
not quite home yet
and one coyote howls…loudly. One of thee loudest I have heard yet, and then another and another and then a complete rampant cacophony….
I inhale again and again and again
A deep set smile
deep within my heart
for my good fortune
at this beautiful tremendous ordinary evening
Extra – ordinary
in its ordinariness